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The massive explosion that shook Beirut on August 4th killed over 6,000 people and displaced almost 300,000. Join Julia on Wednesday to benefit the Lebanese Red Cross, which is leading the fight to provide housing, first aid services, and psychological care.

Wednesday, August 26th 7-8pm EST

To participate, Venmo your donation to @Julia-Neto, and then email to confirm your spot, OR make your donation directly at The Lebanese Red Cross and send your receipt to

Did you know that you can invite a friend to join you for a virtual session, at no added cost??

Yes! This world needs as much connection as possible, and it’s much more fun to work out with others than to do it alone. Reach out to a friend to join you! You can either add them as a guest to your usual session, or you two can split the cost.

Try it, you’ll get hooked!!

To sign up, just contact your trainer, or reach out to us directly! Email us at

P.S. Don’t Miss our New Videos!

In case you have missed it, we have added several new On Demand videos for pre and postnatal mamas who want something safe and challenging. AND there’s a whole new 45-minute workout created by our very own Sarah Beymer! Don’t forget to check them out, and be on the lookout for more coming your way.

Enjoy BoCo On-the-Go! Subscribe Here the first 7 days are free

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