Michelle Scott-The Anatomy of Consciousness
The Anatomy of Consciousness: Shift Your Inner State of Being, Shift Your Health and Well-Being
Michelle’s interactive and experiential talk is an inquiry into how our inner state of being impacts our health and well-being and how we can make profound shifts inwardly that impact not only our health, but how we live our entire life. After a diagnosis of Grave’s disease/hyperthyroidism in 2009, Michelle searched for the root cause of this diagnosis. She knew her body could heal itself if given the right conditions not only physically in the way she nourished and treated her body, but mentally, emotionally, unconsciously and spiritually. Michelle will share what she discovered after thousands of hours of her own inner transformational work and the work she does with her clients as a professional executive, leadership and life coach. What she found is that the most important key to true healing is… (You will have to hear the talk to find out more.)
Professional Executive and Leadership Coach
Website: https://www.michellescottcoaching.com/
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-scott-b976bb53/
Phone: 303-921-9040
Email: coachmichellescott@gmail.com
“If you think there is something missing in your life, it’s probably you.” ~ Robert Holden