Matt Rowe – Mastering the Mindset to Heal
Matt Rowe, author of “Identity of Health” will share his insights on Multiple Sclerosis (MS). His book will be released later this year; Matt shares how he reversed MS after being diagnosed with it almost two years ago. Matt’s inspirational story inspires an audience to take healthcare into their own hands. He inspires you to become curious and take action towards the first steps to heal. Matt uses humor, inspiration, science and the art of storytelling to help the audience gain insight into the functioning of our thoughts and healing. This insight points to the roadblocks and what may be stopping us from healing. Matt points to our inner negative critic and how the imposter syndrome mixed with fear is leading to the health epidemics we are seeing today. Hear what he has discovered through his own personal health journey.
A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses. ~Hippocrates
Matt Rowe
Identity of Health Speaker & Author